Thursday, July 22, 2010

Decorative Magnets on Refrigerators (Cancer warning)

         A number of researchers at Princeton 's University have discovered
something scary!.

        For several months, they were feeding two groups of mice: the first
group with food kept in a refrigerator, and the second group with food kept
in a refrigerator as well but with several decorative magnets on the door.

        The objective of this experiment was to see how electromagnetic
radiation (that coming out from the decorative magnets on the door)
affect food items. Amazingly, rigorous clinical studies stated that
the group of mice that consumed the "radiated" food had as much as 87
% higher probability to get cancer than the other group of mice.

       Inexplicably no Governments or health associations/institutions have
given any statement on this regard. However and just in case, is
recommendable to remove any decorative magnet from refrigerators,
and put it far away from any food.

Kindly pass this information to your contacts.

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